
The Writings and the Cause of Luisa Piccarreta:

Good News from Corato: On Friday, July 6, 2018, I was informed by the president of Association Luisa Piccarreta, Mr. Michael Colonna, that on June 30 he and Fr. Sergio Pellegrini had gone to the Vatican. He said that the Typical Edition of the Volumes of the Book of Heaven had been completed and that all the specialists who had worked on the
Typical Edition signed a declaration that there were no errors or omissions in their translations.

He added that Fr. Sergio wanted to take a couple of weeks to check things over concerning the Typical Edition to his satisfaction and would then turn everything over to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in anticipation for an eventual imprimatur from the Vatican.

While at the Vatican Mr. Colonna met the postulator of Luisa’s Cause, who is pushing to get Luisa’s Beatification accomplished by the end of 2019.

In deference to Fr. Sergio Pellegrini’s waiting to check things over concerning the Typical Edition before turning the Volumes over to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, I have waited to share this Good News with you. Today, July 16, Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, I asked and received permission to share this Good News!!


On October 29, 2005, the Cause of Beatification of Luisa Piccarreta having been completed at the Diocesan level was advanced to the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints at the Vatican in Rome. The Congregation appointed two theologians to study all Thirty-Six Volumes of Luisa’s “Book of Heaven,” and in late July, 2010, these wonderful and chosen theologians gave their Positive affirmation to all of Luisa’s Volumes. The reports submitted by the theologians have now gone to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which will study the reports and make their evaluation concerning the further process of Luisa’s Cause.

Prayer is mandated on our part for the good of Luisa’s Cause and for the Coming of the Reign of the Divine Will.

Please let it be understood that even though Archbishop Pichierri as head of the Archdiocese of Trani owns the rights to all the Volumes of Luisa, he is responsible to the voice of the Vatican and has made it known that no publications of the writings of Luisa, in print or by digital means, be allowed until further notice. Archbishop Pichierri has asked in two letters he wrote—one in 2007 and again in 2008—that all who love and follow Luisa be obedient to the wishes of the Church.

When Will the “New” Volumes be Available?

We don’t know. They are now under the protection of of the Church. It could take a long time; yet there is always the possibility of Divine intervention to hasten the release of these most holy writings. Be sure that Our Lord will be guiding those responsible for their release to the general public. It would be very inappropriate to trouble the good Archbishop in Trani with inquiries, but it would be good to spend our time digesting well what we already have available, and do what we can to make the Kingdom of the Divine Will better known, especially by applying and living what we learn.

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